Akdeniz Faktoring

Ethical Principles

Based on its goals of  increasing service quality, optimizing use of resources, and prevention of unfair competition, Akdeniz Faktoring A.Ş. has established ethical principles to organize its relations with institutions in and outside of the sector, clients, shareholders and employees.

Regulatory Compliance
Our company works in compliance with laws and bylaws, communiques and circulars issued by the relevant public bodies.

Throughout its activities, our company observes the principle of integrity in its relations with its clients, employees, shareholders, companies in and outside of the group, as well as public bodies.

Our company views its employees, clients and other institutions impartially and does not engage in any discrimination based on nation, religion, financial and social status or gender in its receipt or delivery of services.

In the delivery of our products and services, our relations with our clients and other parties are based on mutual trust. We are aware that offering accurate and accessible information is the basis of the trust we create in our clients.

We inform our clients in an open, accessible and clear way about our product and service offers.

Prevention of Money Laundering
We embrace the fight against money laundering, corruption and similar crimes as an important principle in line with international norms and domestic law and collaborate with relevant companies and institutions as well as authorities about the matter.

Fighting Illicit Transactions
Our company requires authentic documents to certify the accounts receivable in question and therefore helps fight illicit transactions.

Observing Public Interest and Respect for the Environment
All of our activities are primarily based on protecting the public interest and respecting the environment in addition to profitability.

Insider Trading
All measures are taken in order to prevent the use of insider information.

Relations with Public Institutions and Corporations
Our corporation acts in accordance with the principles of integrity and transparency. It ensures the accurate, timely and full delivery of all information, documents and records required for audits and checks in line with the legislation.

Informing the Clients
Clients are given accurate, full and timely information for all products and services, throughout all stages of the service relationship and in all matters within the limits prescribed by law.

Client Confidentiality
Except information and documents that are legally required by competent persons and authorities, all information and documents belonging to clients are kept confidential.

Service Quality
All clients are offered the same quality and level of service. However, the differentiation of structures and ranges of products for individual target markets should not be interpreted as a form of discrimination against clients.

Client Complaints
Our corporation investigates the reasons behind client complaints and takes measures to prevent justified complaints from occurring again. Employees are given the necessary information to rectify erroneous practices.

Measures have been taken in order to protect service environments from any negative issues in the delivery of services to clients.

Personnel Movements
We refrain from any practices that may lead to unfair competition regarding employment policies. We act in an objective and honest manner in responding to queries from other factoring companies about former employees. We abide by the Labor Law and its relevant provisions in our employment practices.

Our company recognizes competition as a form of race held in line with the legislation and refrains from statements and conduct that may form unfair competition in order to maintain public trust in the industry, work towards the development of the industry and preserve joint interests in addition to protecting its own interests.

Advertising and Commercials
Our corporation acts in compliance with legal regulations and general morals in an honest and realistic way in the announcements, ads and commercials it issues in the promotion and marketing of its own financial structures and factoring products and services, it does not use derogatory terms in relation to the products and services of its competitors in such advertising.

General Qualifications of the Employees
Our corporation shows utmost care in ensuring that its employees are made up of a body of people who have the knowledge, competence and sense of responsibility required by their positions.

Recruitment and Career Development
We work hard to provide equal opportunities to our employees both during recruitment and their career development without any discrimination. We provide training, courses, seminars and similar opportunities to enable our employees reach the level of knowledge required by our age and profession.

Representation Principles and Work Environment
Our employees act with the awareness that they represent our corporation under all circumstances and are careful to appear clean and well-groomed. Measures are taken to render the work environment healthy, safe and in harmony with the natural environment, as well as to increase the motivation of the employees and to serve clients in better conditions.

We take measures in order to maximize efficiency during working hours in order to deliver our services and products in the best possible manner and place emphasis on completing tasks during business hours.

There are internal regulations to prevent employees from engaging in non-ethical conduct such as entering into debt relations with clients, becoming a surety for them and opening joint accounts, receiving gifts from existing or potential clients, using their position to take advantage of their own work facilities or their clients’ business opportunities.

Employees in Our Corporation

  • Act in compliance with the legal regulations in fulfilling their tasks.
  • Inform the clients about the risks and benefits of the service and product offers.
  • Deliver impartial and fair services to clients receiving the same service.
  • Do not disclose corporate or client-specific secrets to anyone other than authorities who have been made competent to receive such secrets by laws.
  • Do not compromise the company’s reputation through their performance and conduct.
  • Do not engage in activities that are required to be rendered by commercial companies or free-lance workers.
  • Do not violate principles of fairness, integrity, dignity and reliability in their actions.
  • Communicate in a respectful and attentive way with their co-workers in the performance of their duties.
  • Do not use company assets and resources inefficiently and in ways that do not fall within their purpose.
  • Do not attain personal gain by taking advantage of their own work facilities or their clients’ business opportunities.
  • Immediately refuse any interest-driven proposals and report them to the authorities and their superiors.
  • Do not engage in non-ethical conduct such as entering into debt relations with clients or becoming a surety for them and opening joint accounts.
  • Do not receive non-customary gifts from existing or potential clients.
  • Are accountable for their actions pertaining to their duties.
  • Cannot work for any private or official body without the prior approval of the corporation except for associations, foundations, cooperatives and similar organizations.